Here are some podcasts that I like to listen to regularly. Podcasts are a great way to keep learning while you're riding the bus, driving in the car or working out at the gym.
The Advanced Selling Podcast: Hosted by Bill Caskey and Brian Neale (who I believe is a college football referee) this podcast is great for anyone who wants to know more about sales. However I also think that this podcast has applications outside of sales as they often discuss attitude and motivation. Check out this great episode on having an abundant vs scarce attitude.
CBC: Spark: Spark is great because it talks about technology and how it impacts our lives. You never know what you're going to learn from an episode and I always find something interesting and/or applicable to what I'm doing or thinking about. Tip: great for sparking blog posts or content marketing ideas...
Grammar Girl Podcast: I know, I know... it doesn't seem like it but I do like to try and improve my writing skills as much as possible and this podcast is a must for anyone who ever wanted to "who or whom?". Part of the Quick and Dirty series, each episode is only about ten minutes long and focuses on only a few issues at a time.
This Week in Tech (Twit): Hosted by Leo Laporte, this tapes live as a netcast on Sunday afternoons but I usually listen to it on Monday. Usually over an hour long with four guests but I have to say that this is the only real technology focused podcast I listen to because I think you get a bit of everything from mobile phones to computers to almost anything else related to tech in one podcast. It can push an hour and 20 minutes and there can be long periods of useless banter but it is for sure worth your time.
The following podcasts all deal with marketing and/or communications. I believe that never before have these two disciplines been so connected and intertwined. As such, many of these podcasts discuss both and are great listening for anyone in either field.
The Beancast: This is by far my single favorite podcast. You get a little of everything on the Beancast each week but centers around advertising, marketing and public relations and how all of those things affect how we view and interact with brands. Always includes discussion on the latest topics. Tends to run over an hour so the discussion will often be in depth and feature three or four different panelists. I think Bob Knorpp is one of the best podcast hosts around.
Inside PR: Great podcasts hosted by Terry Fallis, Martin Waxman and Gini Dietrich. Usually updated on Wednesdays, this podcast is usually around 20 mins and includes discussions that center around pure PR and social media.
Marketing Over Coffee: MOC is actually recorded each week in a Dunkin Donuts shop at about 6am. Usually posted on Wednesdays or Thursdays, MOC tends to sit around 20 to 30 minutes and includes lots of talk about e-marketing.
Six Pixels of Separation: Hosted by Mitch Joel, this (again, Canadian) podcast talks about marketing and communications. Tends to run about 45 minutes or so and will have Mitch and one other guest. Discussion is often centered around only one or two main topics each week. This podcast tends to make think deeply about ideas.
Duct Tape Marketing: This podcast says it is for small business but I think the topics of discussions here can be applied to ANY business. John Jantsch is very well known for his business and marketing acumen and the Duct Tape Marketing brand is known worldwide. Short episodes of about 20 minutes on one topic with one guest.
Here are some other ones I listen to but I didn't think were worth the write up:
Sales Hunter
Managing the Gray with C.C. Chapman
If you have podcasts that you think I'd enjoy, let me know as I am always looking out for new ones.