Neumeier is a California-based brand collaboration expert. This means that he specializes in making sure marketing teams understand and communicate brand value consistently across all of their activities and customer touch points.
The Brand Gap is a quick read and designed to get you into the heart of branding really quickly. Absent from this book is the long-winded prose you find in many marketing/branding books where the author goes on and on about one subject until you begin to fall asleep. Neumeier keeps this book on-point and to the point.
Tip: The book contains a summary and suggested reading list at the end and both are awesome.
He starts by talking about what a brand is (a gut reaction) and what the brand gap is (between strategy and creativity). Then he goes about explaining the five disciplines of creating a brand that is "charismatic", meaning a brand less prone to commoditization. They are:
- Differentiation
- Collaboration
- Innovation
- Validation
- Cultivation
Next up: Fascinate by Sally Hogshead. Been waiting 6 months to read this one!
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